Sonic Material

[Release] Bill B. Wintermute “polychronic ubicomptime”, as part of Jeopardize Tape’s VARIOUS ARTISTS 2 Compilation
[Exhibition] Jeronimo Voss & Lain Iwakura “ATC – Against The Clock”, Ausstellungsraum Klingental

[Festival] Organization of the 3 day festival  “ultrablack non-ference of mille plateaux”, Forum Stadtpark
[Release – work in progress] Lain Iwakura “If there’s nowhere to go, go nowhen”
[Performance] Bill B. Wintermute “Observation”
[single track] Bill B. Wintermute “kill christcucks” 
[Installation] >>Ambisonic Panopticon<< (as part of the “Institute for Sonic Welfare”>press< 
[DJ-Set] Lain Iwakura DJ-Set for Sun People’s radio show >recording<

[Live-Performance] Tommaso Settimi & Lain Iwakura >recording<
[Soundtrack] Ezili-i Sabbah >>bzw.<< featured as soundtrack for Jeronimo Voss’s videoinstallation “Ansible”
[Installation] Lain Iwakura >>Mäandern (live excerpt)<< featured at “Mad Time Warp” by “Party Office HQ”, as part of Documenta 15
                       —- re-featured in 2023 @Nida Art Colony & ZK/U Berlin
[DJ-Set] Lain Iwakura / Bill B. Wintermute recent ambient tracks of mille plateaux for “The Missing Ear”-radio show for Radio Raheem, as part of Triennale Milano
[Radio-Show] Peter Stiegler & Lain Iwakura curated the ‘vvv’-radio show for “Lumbung Radio”, as part of Documenta 15
[Installation / Exhibition / Performance] “eye sitting in a virtual room” at the exhibition “intimacy/privacy” @Forum Stadtpark
Installation developed for ©Ovids Metamorphoses – The Broken Telephone Game” by Bernd Herzogenrath
[Performance] Bill B. Wintermute “The Soft Voices Die – For A Drowning And A Burning Microphone”

[Installation / Exhibition] >>„Du mußt nur die Laufrichtung ändern“, sagte die Katze<< for mille plateaux‘s exhibition NONPLUSULTRABLACK @SYNNIKA
[Installation] Audioinstallation for Dejan Marković‘s exhibition Arbeiterwille: An Impossible Movement @steirische herbst
[Installation] Korin Rizzo, Nico Mohammadi, Leonie Strecker, Lain Iwakura – s0rry, traditionally cloSeness is a concepT of practice @musikprotokoll
[Installative-Performance] Tommaso Settimi, Maze, Lain Iwakura – In Erwägung  @Champ-dAction.LAbO’21  >Video< 
[Release] niko mas & Ezili-i Sabbah – POLY for Crossdressing Diogenes
[Multichannel-Fixed Media] Bill B. Wintermute >>Monokultur<< for 24 channels
[Performance] >>Sonic Contagion<< a collective performance by the students of IEM @KUG Graz

[Audio – LiveSet] (example) Recording of 1h Lain Iwakura’s Liveset @Hallo Radio for @Error 040
[Audioplay (live)] Antonia von Anarres, Antonia im Eulenspiegel & Lain Iwakura – heaven is a place on earth: es ist anzunehmen, dass es ein experiment ist @Utopie. Konferenz für praktische Kritik @steirische herbst >Audio/Video recording in progress<
[Release] DeRayling – society is ripping itself apart – mille plateaux [Free Download]
[Release] DeRayling – DeRayling – mille plateaux
[Release] V.A. – Ultrablack of Music II – mille plateaux / Force Inc.

[Audio] Bill B. Wintermute – Commonly Owned Unconsciousness in “alienocene – Stratum 4”
[Installation / Release] Bill B. Wintermute – vienna_unground – mille plateaux @IEM Graz @kunstraum8020 (released 2020 with additional remix)

[Release] V.A. – Ultrablack of Music I – mille pletaux / Force Inc.

[Release] Bill B. Wintermute – folding of the inorganic / neon light in cloudy grey – Force Inc.
[Release] Bill B. Wintermute – impersonal pilot / unilateral – Force Inc.
[Release] Bill B. Wintermute – Wintermutation – Force Inc.
[Release] Ezili-i Sabbah – Le bleu du ciel – Force Inc.
[Release] DiVersion – Cataclysm – institut de déstabilisation
[Release] DiVersion / Bill B. Wintermute / Ezili-i Sabbah – Necro Nom Icon – institut de déstabilisation
[Release] Bill B. Wintermute / Ezili-i Sabbah / DiVersion – Silence / Unmute – institut de déstabilisation

[Release] Remix: Kend Heuschrik – Katla / LeChuck – institut de déstabilisation
[Audio] Pilokatabase – Zeit Meerestiere finanzieren Menschen >Audio<>Text<

[Release] V.A. – Acéphale I – institut de déstabilisation
[Video] Bill B. Wintermute – Wonderwall (Lost Voices – Bug Version)>Text<
[Release] DiVersion – spc’sNplc – institut de déstabilisation

[Release] Remix: sensible date – Ghostly Orchestra

[Release] DiVersion – Mag’s